III Semana Internacional 2019_ Welcome Erasmus!

Mié, 03/04/2019 - 22:18
Sala Convalecientes Hospital Real, mesa en forma de U con sillones

3º Semana Internacional. Welcome Erasmus!


Dear partner,

The Faculty of Nursing of Ceuta (University of Granada) has the pleasure to invite you to the 3rd International Week and the European Researchers´ Night 2019 (http://bit.ly/2TqROwm) as Erasmus+ Teaching and Training Staff Mobility, which will take place from 25th to 27th September 2019.

Both administrative and teaching staff from EU and partner countries universities are welcome to participate and to get an opportunity to share both practical and scientific knowledge and to make new personal encounters, in order to strengthen international networks and exchange ideas.

There are a maximum of 25 participants. We foresee a maximum of two people per participating institution. Participants can apply at their home institution for an Erasmus+ Teaching/Training Staff Grant and have to cover all costs related to this mobility.

This week aims to offer an opportunity to the participants to present their universities, get to know more about Campus of Ceuta (University of Granada), share best practices Erasmus+ and work on the development of double international degrees, among other issues. It will also be a great chance for the participant university representatives to visit our facilities and tell their students about this Erasmus+ destination.

The preliminary programme contains workshops, networking activities, and opportunities for sharing best practices. It will be very similar to the previous International Week, 2018 (http://bit.ly/2EC1ImJ).

Participants are expected to give a 10-min presentation about their university and international activities and/or share their experiences. The language of the activities is English. There is no participation fees.

On Friday 27th September, in the evening, we will celebrate the European Researchers’ Night 2019. If you wish, you can collaborate with a poster. All the researchers will have the opportunity to participate with a chapter in the book that will be published as a reason for this activity. In the following link you can find some information about the event in 2018:


To apply for the 3rd International Week, please, fill in the following online form Deadline for applying is May 15th 2019.

Sing up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeklCOY0Khwlt1zPwlWJ8kd37ZEJT038DOLSqN2ib5f9buFug/viewform

Some useful information:


Please, find bellow the link with more information about the Faculty of Education, Economy and Technology of Ceuta:


In case of any questions feel free to contact us!


We are looking forward to welcoming you at our university!

Best regards

Concepción Capilla Díaz

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwvVf87U_mQ

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